April 2020 Member Spotlight - Art Singleton


  Retired Treasurer
Company:  HSN (10 years), Tech Data Corporation (15 years)
Length of FEI membership: I joined FEI in June 2009 after being invited to attend a meeting by one of my friends at HSN
Email:  [email protected]
Tell us a little bit about your career, educational/professional background and how you got to where you are today. 
After earning my bachelor’s degree in accounting from Florida State University in 1982, I started my career as an auditor at Price Waterhouse in Tampa, where I worked on a variety of clients in retail, distribution, financial services, etc. My time at Price Waterhouse included a one-year assignment in the firm’s National Office in New York City, which was quite an experience for a native Floridian! 
After eight years at Price Waterhouse, I left to join the finance team of one of my clients – Tech Data – in 1990 (I was fortunate to have worked on the IPO in 1986). During my 15 years with Tech Data, the company enjoyed a significant amount of growth with sales increasing from approximately $400 million to over $20 billion with operations in more than 35 countries. As Tech Data’s Treasurer, I was focused on raising capital through a combination of bank debt along with periodic stock and bond offerings, investor relations, cash management, foreign exchange, insurance, stock plan design, among other related activities. These are the areas in which I specialized for the rest of my career. 
Have you ever done anything out of the ordinary to apply for and/or get a job?
After reading a newspaper story in 2007 about HSN’s plans to spin-off from its New York City-based parent company, I reached out to a friend that worked in HSN’s finance department to inquire about their need for someone with my experience. This ultimately led to me joining HSN as Treasurer in 2008 and assisting with HSN’s successful spin-off in August 2008. 
I like to say I’m a poster boy for networking, as the wonderful opportunity at HSN was never advertised nor did the company talk to any other candidates (as far as I know).  My friend at HSN was someone I had met and worked with at Tech Data more than 15 years prior and had continued to keep in touch with – hence the value of networking! 
In 2017 HSN was acquired by QVC and I opted to leave and take 2018 off as a sabbatical to do some long-deferred traveling with my family.  After a wonderful year of traveling to Italy, Germany, Poland, Russia, Belarus, and a church mission trip to Cuba, I decided to retire in 2019.
What is your best networking tip?
Stay connected to your network!!!  As much as possible this should be through in-person meetings over lunch or a cup of coffee. Email and social media are not nearly as effective as face-to-face contact. Of course, this is not currently possible as our country battles COVID-19. However, eventually things should return to a more normal situation.  
Joining FEI is another excellent way to stay in touch with your network, as well as expand your network, make new friends, and learn more about the many great companies we have in the Tampa Bay Area. Too often, we see people become interested in networking only when they are “in transition” and as soon as a new opportunity is secured, become “too busy” for networking.
How did you discover your passion for finance?
After taking some accounting classes in high school I discovered I enjoyed the subject, which I pursued through college and into my professional career. 
What are some of your personal hobbies outside of finance?
About 15 years ago I entered my first triathlon and have completed more than 100 triathlons of all distances – Including the Ironman distance (2.4 mi swim, 112 mi bike and 26.2 mi run) – since.  A personal highlight in 2018 was completing the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon which starts with a 1.5-mile swim in the 55-degree water of San Francisco Bay. Additionally, I enjoy traveling with my wife and scuba diving.  With my recent retirement, I’m looking forward to new volunteer opportunities as well as getting reacquainted with golfing and fishing.