Exciting Changes are Coming to FEI SFBA!

Starting in 2022, we are completely revamping our event format. COVID-19 has changed the way that we work and interact with each other, and FEI SFBA is continuing to change to address members’ evolving needs and priorities.

Even as offices have begun to open up, many people are continuing to work from home. With FEI SFBA members spread out among a relatively large geographic area, the “old” pre-COVID in-person event format of holding one monthly in-person professional development and dinner event in San Francisco no longer meets the needs of many members. 

As a result, FEI SFBA is coming directly TO members with the introduction of three programs, each described in further detail below:
  • Local Pods Program focusing on in-person networking close to members’ homes (and/or offices)
  • Member Link Program involving virtual networking
  • Member Needs Program to assist with members’ requests and needs

New Programs

1. Local Pods Program
In-Person Networking

Many members have noted that one of the biggest benefits of FEI SFBA membership is networking, in particular in-person networking, which we were unable to do during the majority of the pandemic. The Local Pods Program brings in-person networking directly to members in each of the major geographic areas in FEI SFBA’s operating territory – with the establishment of a “Pod” in four different regions – San Francisco, the East Bay, the North Bay, and South of SF.

Each Pod has two hosts who will organize local get-togethers on at least a quarterly basis (happy hours, coffee meet-ups, etc.) in their region. This enables more intimate networking in local locations which are more convenient to members.

Attendance at Pod events is not just be limited to the members in each region – members from other regions are welcome to join other regions’ events (e.g., a North Bay member is able to attend a San Francisco Pod event, etc.). There will be at least one Pod event per month in one region that all members are welcome to attend.

2. Member Link Program
Virtual Networking

The Member Link Program is designed to supplement the Local Pods Program and enables members to network virtually and also get to know members who do not live in their immediate local region. We also know that some members are still not yet comfortable with attending in-person events, and this program allows these members not to miss out on networking opportunities. 

This Member Link Program is similar to “Lunchclub” or “Troika” networking where members participating in the program will be assigned to a “Link Group” comprised of three people. Each Link Group can then schedule a virtual meeting which is convenient to all members of the group.

Members participating in the program can indicate the preferences of members that they’d like to meet, and can also see the profiles of other participating members in the Member Link directory. The availability of the Member Link directory will also allow participating members to reach out directly to members if they have specific needs.

3. Member Needs Program
Virtual Program

This program provides a forum for any member needs or questions. While FEIconnect provides a forum for members to pose questions to the national FEI membership, our chapter would also like to be able to serve as a resource for any member needs (no matter how big or small).

Virtual and Other Events

Since the start of the pandemic, FEI SFBA has worked hard to provide relevant and interesting content through webinars and virtual meetings. From January through December 2021, the chapter has hosted over 30 separate events including:

Sessions featuring speakers like Aswath Damodaran (NYU professor, author, and frequent guest on CNBC), Robert Hirth (Co-Chair of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board/SASB), Jennifer Cabalquinto (Former CFO of the Golden State Warriors), Jim Cook (CFO of Orbital Insight and a founding member of Netflix), and Jennifer Ceran (Retired CFO of Smartsheet and Board Member of Wyze, NerdWallet, True, and Auth0).
  • Professional development events covering various topics ranging from COVID-19 Employment Law Issues, 401(k) & Retirement Plan Fiduciary Responsibility, GDPR: Lessons So Far and What’s Ahead, and Maximizing Value from LinkedIn – It’s Changed – Have You?
  • Six sessions related to our CFO Bootcamp (which was held in May and June)
  • Women in Finance and Financial Services special interest group meetings
  • Various small group virtual networking sessions (following certain events) and our Spring Member Appreciation Port and Chocolate Tasting
In 2022, we plan to continue to primarily deliver content virtually to make it easy for members to access educational topics and hear from prominent speakers, as well as earn CPE credits.

We are also planning one or two special in-person events with showcase speakers, and will be surveying members regarding their preferences regarding event locations, format, and topics.

We hope the changes above enhance the value of FEI SFBA membership and welcome members’ feedback as our new programs launch.