Unlocking Success: Exploring Japan's Unique Business Culture

FEI Indianapolis is excited to welcome Lin Zheng, a clinical professor of accounting at Kelley School of Business at Indiana University Indianapolis, and her students as they share their experience of a recent study abroad trip to Japan.

During the trip, they interacted with local and foreign businesses in Japan, collaborated with Japanese college students, and visited the US Consulate in Osaka. Their first-hand account of insights will update your knowledge about Japanese business culture and the business program at IU Indianapolis.

Learning outcomes:
  1. List major principles of Japanese business culture.
  2. Identify key business etiquette for successful business interactions in Japan.
  3. Describe the business decision making process in Japanese corporate environments.
  4. Develop strategies for doing business with Japan as a foreign business professional.

Guests are welcome and encouraged!
If you'd like to bring a qualified prospective member, please email [email protected]

5:30 PM        Registration + Networking
6:15 PM        Welcome + Announcements + Dinner Service
7:30 PM        Speaker Presentation
8:30 PM        Continued networking
8:45 PM        Adjournment

*Individuals who register as a Qualified Prospective Member must meet FEI's Membership Qualifications.


Dr. Lin Zheng

Clinical Professor of Accounting
Kelley School of Business Indianapolis