Authentic Networking: Overcoming Obstacles to Build Genuine Connections

Are you or someone on your team reluctant to network?  Feel anxious, self-conscious, or intimidated? You are not alone. Very few people are a natural, life of the party type.  Women, in particular, no matter how accomplished, can suffer from imposter syndrome when networking in mixed company.

The Good News: You can overcome your challenges and become good at networking. By embracing your authentic self, you can enjoy the experience and, in the process, build genuine connections that can help you in your career development by serving as mentors and referral sources.

Please take a chance and join ACG Cincinnati Women for this session – you will be in a safe space with other women professionals who have faced similar challenges. We will learn techniques and then have an opportunity to practice your networking in a welcoming environment.

Wednesday, May 1 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm @ the beautiful Vorys conference center.

Click here to register and use the code: CAS24-5-1 to obtain the lowest discount rate of $42
