
The Chapter members represent a broad spectrum of companies and industries. We have a very active chapter, with several committees to personally serve on, including Membership, Professional Development, Programs, Publicity, Academic Relations and Outstanding Student Awards, National Chapter Liaison, and Local Sponsorship Program.

The Chapter will hold eight to ten meetings per year in the Central Pennsylvania area.

We express grateful acknowledgment of our Central Pennsylvania Strategic Partners:

  • Baker Tilly
  • Barley Snyder
  • Conrad Siegel
  • Horst Insurance
  • KPMG
  • McKonly & Asbury
  • PNC
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Robert Half

If you are ready to become a member of the Central PA Chapter, please email [email protected].

Check out our new Social Media Page!!! Sign up and keep up to date!

We have added the Events Library Page!!! You will now be able to access meetings you were unable to attend going forward. Check this past meeting out now!



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FERF Chapter Leader