
Mr. Jeff McKissack

Jeff McKissack is a noted authority on threat assessment and the prevention of violence.  For 30 years he has addressed over 350,000 in live audiences, countless more via radio and television, including providing occasional story commentary on our FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CW news affiliates as well as local radio stations.  He first started his work in this field mentored by an investigative reporter for 20/20, Sixty Minutes, and NBC News dealing with these same issues on a national (media) level.
Jeff regularly conducts continuing education programs to those in the insurance, financial, legal, medical, educational, real estate, human resource, and risk management professions.  Additionally, he is a contributing writer to several state and national trade publications and author of the book, Power Proverbs for Personal Defense.  He also regularly speaks at various state and national conferences and conventions across North America.
But Jeff best sums up his work and message to those in the corporate world by saying, "My goal is to help keep 'employees' out of the emergency room, and help keep their 'employers' out of the court room and the news room due to claims of negligence."
Jeff McKissack, President
Defense By Design

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"Technology is not going to save us.  Our computers, our tools, our machines are not enough.
We have to rely on our intuition, our true being."
Joseph Campbell